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Conditions: Facial Shape: Fat, Flat, Contour

A woman touches near her mouth with her hand.

What are Facial Shape Changes?

As we grow older many changes happen to the skin, some more common and noticeable changes would be skin dehydration, loss of water, loss of elasticity, skin becomes thinner, skin can become more fragile and loses contour.

Other major changes happen below the service of the skin as well. Loss of fat in the cheeks, temples, chin, nose, and eye area results in loosening skin, sunken eyes, and a thin or shallow appearance. Cartilage loss in the nose causes drooping of the nasal tip and accentuation of the bony structures in the nose.

Treatment Options for Your Facial Shape

Another huge factor in aging comes from the UV rays, over time the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) light damages your collagen and elastin which causes the skin to stretch and lose laxity. Some of our most effective treatments for fat loss, flattening or shallowing of the skin or even slimming and contouring the face are non invasive laser treatments, RF skin tightening, velashape facial contouring, injectables such as dermal fillers and botox. Many of these popular treatments not only help rejuvenate the skin, they also correct pigmentation concerns, texture and tone, firming, brightening and tightening as well!