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Conditions: Jawline – Contouring, Masseters

A woman touches near her mouth with her hand.

What are Masseter Reduction and Jawline Contouring?

Certain factors contribute to aging skin which would cause loss of firmness and contour in the jawline, factors include normal aging, exposure to the sun, pollution, and loss of subcutaneous support (fatty tissue between your skin and muscle). As well as stress, gravity, daily facial movement, obesity, and even sleep position.

Although, naturally we all age, 90% of the visible signs of aging are caused by environmental factors, mainly sun exposure. This is why it is so important to properly protect your skin with not only SPF but with antioxidants like Vitamin C, E, and A in combination with proper skincare and treatments.

Treatment Options for Your Jawline

One of the most effective treatments for Jawline contouring are Injectables such as botox. Botox can partially relax your masseter muscles. By reducing the size of these muscles, botox slims the jawline. This in turn increases the visibility of the V-line in your face, making your face appear more youthful and slender, while emphasizing your cheekbones. Other treatments for contouring the jawline by reducing fatty tissue include cryolipolysis, RF skin tightening and non invasive laser treatments.